As you probably know, I am a heavy user of SmartMusic in my band program... to the point that I often wonder how I got by without it for so long. I am now teaching many more band students at one time than I ever have before, and arguably have less contact time with them than I have in the past, so some way to maintain some sense of where each student was on an individual basis was necessary. Right now I do not have very many students (I estimate less than ten) that have their own individual subscriptions, although a few more than that do use it at home, via a couple of student subscriptions that I bought through our school. Part of the barrier to home use, as I see it, are students who do not have an iPad, or do not have a computer that they are allowed (or are comfortable) downloading software onto.
New Technology
Since I do make such heavy use of it, and it is a platform that I thoroughly support, I try to stay up to date with any changes and updates. A year or so ago, they announced that a competing music performance assessment platform (Weezic) had been acquired by their parent company, MakeMusic. One of the biggest shortcomings that I have noticed for SmartMusic is that it was dependent on a download and installation, and while many of the features seem to run in a web-enabled mode, the actual assessment features still required a download to work. Some students complained of not having a computer at home that their parents allow them to install programs on, or that they wanted to use SmartMusic on a Chromebook, netbook or tablet. Apparently some of Weezic's technology is being incorporated into the new version of SmartMusic, as it will now work on most web-enabled devices. This should be a big plus in terms of accessibility (need to play on a friend's computer without needing a download? No problem!) especially if it will work on Android tablets, since it seems that many of my students opt for Android devices since they are cheaper.Pricing Model
Click here for some comparisons between New and Classic SmartMusic, in both features and pricing.
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